Sunday, November 22, 2015

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above... James 1:17

My girls totally have "PKS" aka Photographer's Kid Syndrome! I think they get tired of me taking their pictures, but they're so beautiful, I just want to capture every moment, because I don't want them to grow up! As they are smiling, they are talking through their teeth saying "Are we done yet?" 

I am so blessed beyond words and so grateful to God that he chose me to be their mother. Everyday is a gift! The argue with each other, and get on each other's nerves, but at the end of the day, I know they love each other and will always stick by one another no matter what. It melts my heart to walk in a room and they're all huddled together watching TV or playing a game. The days are going by way too fast and I wish I could just stop the clock. 

Love on them while they're little, they won't stay that way long!