Friday, January 31, 2014

New Props Arrived Today!

I can't wait until next weekend to try these out with all the precious little ones on the schedule!

Creating Memories, One Shot at a Time...

After taking a 10 year break from photography, I have decided that photography is what I love to do in my spare time, of course after spending time with my 3 beautiful daughters and my wonderful husband!

I began photography 13 years ago. I started with weddings. Back then a wedding photography shoot was nothing like they are today. We actually had to use this stuff called film! Can you imagine not being able to instantly see the photo that you just took? Forget the fancy digital cameras with all of their settings, SLR was the way to go. And don't forget, in the middle of the best possible pose, we had to stop to reload film!

Well, 2 more children later and I'm back at it! I'm excited about this new endeavour and I can't wait to capture little smiles and big smiles and freeze the best moments so that they can be remembered for eternity!

I'm currently booking sessions for an incredibly reduced rate to build my new and improved portfolio! Feel free to contact me to set up a session for you!

May God Bless You!
John 3:16