Saturday, December 5, 2015

Santa Claus is Coming to Town! | Pics with Santa 12.4.15

Santa visited EGP last night! All the children had a blast and Santa was such a team player. He did a great job! Watch out Asheboro, Santa will be back at EGP next Friday! 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Creative Kids | 11.18.15

Boy, oh boy! I had so much fun at Creative Kids with the precious children. But, I do have to say, they were the toughest crowd to get to smile on camera! As soon as the camera went down, out came the smiles! I worked really hard at trying to capture some precious memories for their parents. Here is a handful of moments I was able to catch! Enjoy!


Monday, November 23, 2015

4 Generations

Check out these 4 Generations of Beauties!

Just like Mommy! | Emma, 3 yrs. old

Sweet little Emma is so smart and when she was asked to dress in Mommy's princess dress, she was so excited!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above... James 1:17

My girls totally have "PKS" aka Photographer's Kid Syndrome! I think they get tired of me taking their pictures, but they're so beautiful, I just want to capture every moment, because I don't want them to grow up! As they are smiling, they are talking through their teeth saying "Are we done yet?" 

I am so blessed beyond words and so grateful to God that he chose me to be their mother. Everyday is a gift! The argue with each other, and get on each other's nerves, but at the end of the day, I know they love each other and will always stick by one another no matter what. It melts my heart to walk in a room and they're all huddled together watching TV or playing a game. The days are going by way too fast and I wish I could just stop the clock. 

Love on them while they're little, they won't stay that way long!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Williamson Family

Thank you Amanda & RJ for giving me the opportunity to capture your beautiful family! I had a great time, you have such a sweet family!

Lacey | 5 Days New

Two newborns in one day! Whew! I'm an amateur when it comes to newborns. Their photo sessions are very different than older babies! Lacey did a great job! Thank you BJ & Jessica for allowing me to come into your home and capture those first few days with Lacey. And we can't forget Big Sister Lily! She's just too cute for words...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Waylin | 7 Days New

"Practice make Perfect", is what everyone says when it comes to photographing newborns. Newborns really are challenging, yet very rewarding, subjects to photograph. I enjoy photographing newborns, they are God's little miracles. Newborns require, Patience, more Patience and Pacifiers! Thank you Lindsay and Chris for allowing me to capture Waylin during his first few days!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Price Family Fall Session

I love it when I get to see clients after it's been a couple of months, especially with babies! I love getting to capture all their sweet moments! The sun was not our friend yesterday, and neither was the injured cat that kept chasing us around, but I still managed to get some great shots! Enjoy!