Thursday, October 23, 2014

One of Life's Greatest Blessings is Family

Last week I had the chance to photograph a loving family. The session was so much fun and everyone had a great time! The children did wonderful, even though we kept them for almost 2 hours.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Autumn is Upon Us...

...And boy have I been busy! God is so Good! He just keeps sending me new clients. Please enjoy some of the lastest sessions this month!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Welcome to the World, Gideon Lee!

Oh, how I love photographing babies! They are so sweet! Little Gideon is so small my props just swallowed him up, but he did a wonderful job! I can't wait to continue to photograph this little guy and watch him grow! Hold him tight Samantha and Steven because before you know it, he will be walking and talking. What a gift from God!

Are you "KIDD"ing me? These girls are so Cute!

I had the opportunity to capture some special moments of this beautiful family last weekend! The rain didn't stop us from having an awesome photo session.